We’re passionate about helping you Train without the pain
Functional Patterns is the blueprint for improving your movement.
We take the guesswork out of taking care of your body.
What makes Functional Patterns different than all the other functional training fads out there? Functional Patterns is about training organisms in relation to their biological characteristics. Sound a bit complicated? Well, not really when you think about it. At a basic level it means whatever animal you choose to train, you do it with the foremost goal of optmizing its primary functions. Fish swim, birds fly, and dogs walk on four legs. What do humans do?
According to the leading research on the primary movements humans did for locomotion and survival: standing, walking, running, and throwing were the four most important movements for human survival.
These movements are what experts characterize as bipedal, and revolve around the contralateral reciprocation of the arms and legs. These are just fancy words to describe the motions that humans use to get from point A to point B. What's important is not necessarily to memorize these terms, but what it means for the application of fitness and exercise techniques aimed at optimizing your human biology! Functional Patterns has gone through the rigorous process of taking these complicated ideas and made a functional training program around them that anyone can do.
The big 4: Stand, Walk, Run, and Throw
At home, at work, at the store, humans have forgotten the basics of standing.
More than one foot in front of the other, re-learning to walk will change your life.
Focus on learning to run effectively, eliminating joint pain and common injuries due to running.
Learn to master the biological movements of the shoulder girdle. Reduce wear and tear!
We can help
Build your confidence
We optimize the Big Four of human movement: Standing, Walking, Running, and Throwing. If you learn what it takes to precisely execute these movements to the highest degree, the benefits will transfer to literally every other movement you do.
Move Better
Functional Patterns is the blueprint for improving your movement. We take the guesswork out of taking care of your body.
Live Better
No matter your body type, physical ability, or level of exercise know-how, if you are a human then you will benefit from Functional Patterns.